of turfgrass management and promoting the use of best management practices

to best protect the environment.


2025 Dues and Fees

  • Class A - Golf Course Superintendent (at least three years as a superintendent)  $250/year plus $100 initiation
  • Class B - Golf Course Superintendent (less than three years as a superintendent)  $250/year plus $100 initiation
  • Class C - Asst. Golf Course Superintendent - $225/year ( $100 initiation fee has been waived)
  • Associate Member - $240/year plus $100 initiation
  • Equipment Manager/Technician $115/yr
  • Honorary Member - No Fee
  • Life Member - No Fee
  • Affiliate Member - $240/year plus $100 initiation
  • Friend of the Association Member - $450/year plus $500 initiation
  • Student Member - No Fee 
  • Retired Member - No Fee
  • Inactive Member - TBD

Effective January 14, 2002, each applicant for Class A-Golf Course Superintendent and Class B-Golf Course Superintendent membership must present to the Membership Committee evidence of membership with the GCSAA.

To apply for membership, please complete an online application.  If you have questions, contact Andrew Ingham at Andrewingham@gcsane.org.

The different types of membership for the GCSA of New England are as follows:

Class A - Golf Course Superintendent
A Class A-Golf Course Superintendent member shall be employed as a superintendent in charge of a golf course for at least three years. They shall pay such initiation fees and dues as established by the Association. A Class A-Golf Course Superintendent member shall have the right to vote at any Association meeting and shall be eligible to hold any Association office.

Class B - Golf Course Superintendent

A Class B Golf Course Superintendent member shall be employed as superintendent in charge of a golf course. They shall have all the privileges herein granted to a Class A-Golf Course Superintendent member except the right to vote and hold office. They shall automatically qualify as a Class A-Golf Course Superintendent member when they have served three years as a golf course superintendent. They shall pay initiation fees and annual dues as established by the Association.

Class C - Assistant Golf Course Superintendent

A Class C-Assistant Golf Course Superintendent shall be employed by a golf course as an assistant to the golf course superintendent. They shall have all of the privileges of the Association as allowed by the bylaws. They shall pay such initiation fees and annual dues as established by the Association.

Honorary Member
An honorary member may be elected by a two-thirds vote of the Association after being recommended by the Board of Directors. Only those who have rendered special and valuable services to the association or to the golf course profession shall be eligible for such a membership. When a person's name is proposed to the Board of Directors for an honorary membership, it must be accompanied by a written report setting forth in detail the services accomplished and contributions made by that person and this information recorded by the Secretary. An honorary member shall have all the privileges of the Association except to vote and to hold office. They shall pay no initiation fees or annual dues. Their membership may be cancelled at any time at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Class AA - Life Member
When a 25-year member retires as a Golf Course Superintendent or is permanently disabled, they become a Class AA-Life Member. Upon becoming a Class AA-Life Member they shall have all the privileges of the Association accorded them immediately preceding their retirement or permanent disability, except the right to hold office. They shall not pay any annual dues. A member with less than 25 years may become a Class AA-Life Member at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Affiliate Member
An Affiliate Member is a person employed by a company that is a "Friend of the Association" Member. They shall have all the privileges of the Association except to vote and hold office.

Affiliate - Life Member
When a 25-year Affiliate Member retires or is permanently disabled, he shall become an Affiliate – Life Member. He shall have all the privileges of the Association except to vote or to hold office. He shall not pay annual dues. An Affiliate Member with less than 25-years of membership may become an Affiliate – Life Member, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. 

Friend of the Association Member
A Friend of the Association Member is a company that sells a product or provides a service that is used in the maintenance of a golf course. The initiation fees and annual dues shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.

Student Member

A student member shall be a full-time student pursuing a degree in turf management or shall have completed such a degree within the previous one year and is not employed as a golf course superintendent or assistant. They shall have such privileges as established by the Association and shall pay initiation fees and dues as established by the Association.

Inactive Member
An Inactive Member is an individual who, by reason of unemployment, illness, or other adverse circumstances, has been placed in this class upon their application. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to act on such application and to place a member on Inactive Status subject to terms and conditions as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules.

Associate Member

An Associate Member is an individual that is involved in the growing or production of fine turfgrass and who does not qualify for the membership in another category.  They shall have all the privileges of the Association except to vote and to hold office. They shall pay such initiation fees and annual dues as established by the Association.

Equipment Manager/Technician
To qualify for Equipment Manger membership; an applicant shall, at the time of application, 
be employed as a golf course equipment manager, assistant golf course equipment manager or a golf course mechanic/equipment technician.  The Equipment Manager member shall have all the privileges of The Association except to vote and to hold office.  The Board of Directors shall fix the initiation fee and annual dues.

Retired Member
1. When a Class A Superintendent Member is no longer employed as Golf Course Superintendent, he or she shall be classified as Retired Member if they have been a Class A member for at least five years and their years as a GCSA of New England member combined with their age equals or exceeds 75. He or she shall have all of the privileges of the Association except the right to hold office and shall pay annual dues as set by the Board of Directors.

2. When a Member retires and no longer is seeking employment within the scope of activities of any membership of the Association, he or she may apply in writing to the Board of Directors and ask to be granted Retired Member status. He or she must be either 55 years of age or have been a Member for at least 20 years. He or she shall have all of the privileges of the Association except the right to vote or hold office and shall pay annual dues as set by the Board of Directors.

GCSAA Membership
Click here to read about membership with the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA).


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