of turfgrass management and promoting the use of best management practices

to best protect the environment.

The Newsletter has been the official publication of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New England since 1929.

The Newsletter is emailed to all our members and is also available to view on our web site (www.gcsane.org).

Our advertising program allows you to reach over 500 golf course superintendents, owners, and affiliates each month. Our web based newsletter has allowed even more opportunities for your ad to be viewed. Recent statistics show that The Newsletter is being viewed on the web site approximately 800-1,100 times per month! What is also interesting is that people are viewing previous month’s newsletters online each month too. This means our advertisers are being seen a lot more than just the month that their ad is published!

 Published monthly, The Newsletter offers flexible display advertising plans at annual, monthly and multiple insertion rates. A variety of ad sizes are available to suit your needs. With the new web based newsletter, we can now offer full color ads to our advertisers.

For more information about The Newsletter’s advertising program, please contact:

Andrew Ingham
Executive Director 
508-570-1818 (Mobile)



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